The Health Department requires you to have flat, smooth, white, cleanable ceiling tiles in all areas where food and drink are prepared. You have 2 viable choices; vinyl coated and solid vinyl, Unfortunately, vinyl coated tiles are easy to damage and if their vinyl wrapper breaks or peels (which is common), you are left with health code violations. Pure vinyl tiles offer the best solution, as long as they are class A(1) which is a fire code requirement. A true class A(1) rating is only valid if the tile is class A for both smoke and flame. Our special formulation allows us to provide this class a(1) rating at 40% savings over our competition.
Only our tiles are Heath Department compliant, class A(1) for both smoke and flame, durable, cleanable and will not sag from moisture. Our solid construction means that mold, mildew, and bacteria cannot penetrate into the material and the surface is easily washable with soap and water.
This is the perfect time to Remove, Replace or Repair your ceiling

Veteran Owned

We've Helped
over 35,000 Clients
Burger King
Texas Roadhouse
Cracker Barrel
Olive Garden
Outback Steakhouse
Chase Bank
Holiday Inn
Walter Reed Hospital
Mount Sinai Hospital
Ohio State University
Shell Oil
Warner Brothers
Proctor & Gamble
Dr. Pepper
Radio City Music Hall
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army
Ingram Barge
Conoco Phillips
Oak Farms
Bank of America
Ramada Inn
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Pizza Hut
Taco Bell
United Airlines
TGI Friday's
Frito Lay
Kent State
University of Wisconsin
University of Indiana
A&M University
International Aerospace
University of Houston
General Mills
American Airlines

Forever Genesis | Competitor PVC | Acoustical | Vinyl Coated | |
Class A (1) ASTM E84 - requires both Flame and Smoke to be class A by Fire Marshall & Insurance Companies |
Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
100% Waterproof | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Washable and easy to clean | Yes | Yes | No | No |
3/16" Thick to prevent sagging and edge curling | Yes | No | No | No |
Sag Proof (Due to Moisture) | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Flood Resistant | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Mold Proof - Mold in ceilings is a Health Code violation | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Bacteria Proof and Mildew Proof | Yes | Yes | No | No |
- Class A(1) ASTM E84 - Any Ceiling Tile that is not class A for both Flame and Smoke is not class A; let me repeat that if a tile is not class A for both flame and smoke then the tile is not class A. If a tile is not class a for flame and smoke then it CANNOT BE USED INDOORS.
- Fire Marshal will close a business that is using a ceiling tile that is not class A for both FLAME and SMOKE.
- Insurance will drop your coverage if your tile is not class A for both flame and smoke. Making you liable for all damages.
ATTENTION: if a business does not show a report similar to ours for flame and smoke then it is not an actual report and they do this so you don’t see how bad they blew their class a for smoke and or flame
- All of our ceilings are Waterproof and Washable, Our ceiling is cleanable - easy to clean, easy to install, and easy to keep looking new for a lifetime.
- Our thickness of 3/16" for 2x4 Ceiling Tiles and 5/32" for 2x2 Ceiling Tiles makes it sag proof. Our tiles will lay flat and stay flat. Sagging ceiling tiles are an eye sore and in time can fall out and cause injuries.
- Forever Genesis Ceiling Tiles are durable and impact damage resistant, you install it once and you are done. Most other tiles will cost you 1.5 - 6 times your ceiling install over time.
- Forever Genesis Ceiling Tiles are Mold Proof - Mold problems are costly not just in remediation, it causes sickness in customers and staff reducing profit and productivity.
- Forever Genesis is Bacteria Proof - Bacteria can penetrate fiber and other porous tiles and is obviously a cause of illness. Our solid construction makes it impossible for that to happen, and anything that gets on the surface can be easily cleaned with soap and water.
- Forever Genesis eliminates the Maintenance cycle, no more R&R as it maintains its new appearance over time. It is simply a janitorial issue.
- Forever Genesis Grid, Vents & Returns are rustproof and chip proof. Others can rust and chip.
- Each of our ceiling tiles are Engineered to last a Lifetime and has the proper thickness for the purpose it was designed for.
- The Forever Genesis Ceiling is literally the last ceiling you will ever have to install.

Install Once
Never Replace Again

1. NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency) Fire Marshalls require that all indoor building materials must be Class A(1) for Smoke and Flame; any item that tests Class A for only flame or only smoke is not Class A.
Consequences for those using materials that are not qualified Class A(1) for smoke and flame include being closed down until proper materials are installed, or, in the case of an incident, you could be held responsible for any deaths, injuries and damages. Your insurance may not cover these costs due to the use of non Class A materials.
2. The Health Department, FDA and USDA require that ceiling tiles are flat, white, cleanable and mold resistant anywhere food is made, prepared or served. We've sold our products to not just restaurants, food processors and bottling plants, but to these very institutions as well.
Consequences for those ceilings that are not able to cleaned, or flat and white could result in closure until the materials are replaced.
3. Sagging and Mold. Ceiling tiles that are too thin, less than 3/16" for flat 2'x4' and less than 5/16" for flat 2'x2', are prone to sagging under their own weight and edge curling. Fiber based tiles can harbor mold making your customers and staff sick resulting in lost sales.
Early in the 20th century as buildings grew taller, a need for false ceilings was developing to cover the piping, wiring, ducts, etc. that made the spaces useful. Over time new materials lead to easier installation but also introduced their own set of problems. At first it was the asbestos used to make the product fire retardant but caused long term serious health issue. Then came lead based products.
Modern acoustical ceiling tiles no longer have issues with lead or asbestos, but their simpler construction materials have made them more prone to impact and water damage. Fiber board tiles allow mold to grow, water spot, and sag - all caused by the introduction of moisture. Moisture can enter the tile in many ways; roof leaks, pipe leaks, high humidity, but most commonly from AC Condensation. If you have an air conditioner you will have condensation.
The problem with this is your ceiling is viewed by everyone who enters; just a glance will show sagging and waterspots. Imagine what they think if they see mold, and in this day and age, everyone knows that mold will make you sick. Sick customers cost you sales, sick employees cause lost productivity.
Cleaning these tiles is problematical - They are easy to damage through handling and you can't use water to clean them, that would just make them worse.
PVC Ceiling Tiles were developed to help but were initially designed to be glued to the existing acoustical tiles to keep them from sagging and falling out. Early tiles had issues with building codes and could not be called Class A as you must be class a for flame and smoke spread.
Fortunately, Forever Genesis Ceiling Tiles solve these issues. They meet the requirements of NFPA and Fire Marshals as they are class a ASTM E84 for flame and smoke spread. Health Department, FDA and USDA require for all food preparation areas to use a flat, smooth waterproof ceiling tile that can be cleaned easily. Mold proof, 100% waterproof, washable, bacteria proof and mildew proof. Rigid and Sag Proof, Their impact damage resistant design keeps the tile looking like new even when they have to be moved to work in the plenum.
I am a disabled vet who was in ceiling contracting, R&R and New installs. In 2005 we got a call about a restaurant chain that was closed by the health department for mold in the ceiling. We sent 3 crews working around the clock, 5000 sq ft (mold requires a separate waste container) took 2 days. But with the notice on the doors it hit the news and within 6 months the chain closed in Houston. My drive then became to come up with a tile that met all codes and would last a lifetime, so Forever Genesis Ceilings was born.
Don't continue the cycle of replacing the same problem ceiling with the same materials and eliminate the problems of mold, spotting, sagging and damage. Turn that maintenance nightmare into a simple janitorial issue with Forever Genesis Ceilings.

Ceiling Specialists are hard to find - they need to be someone who can help you determine the right materials and quantities for your drop ceiling needs. Whether you need help with your layout, quantities, a quote, or just a simple question, Let our Ceiling Specialists help you at 800-518-9835.
New Ceiling Tiles LLC. Phone: 800-518-9835 Mon-Thur 7am - 5pm; Fri 7am - 4pm CST |
Our product ships via UPS UPS Ground: 800-742-5877 (1-800-PICKUPS) UPS Freight: 800-333-7400 ext 00 |
Restaurant / Commercial Kitchens & Food Processing Plants
Forever Genesis Smooth ceiling panels are smooth, USDA, FDA and Health Department compliant and are recommended for use in federally inspected food processing plants, restaurants, commercial kitchens and central food preparation areas.
Hotels, Hospitals, Doctor's Offices, Motels, Commercial Kitchens, Clean Rooms, Fast Food, Data Centers, Restaurants, Offices, Conference Rooms, Bottling Plants, Warehouses, Food Processing Plants, Dealerships, Show Rooms, Indoor Pools, Retail, Residential, Basements, and more.

- 100 % Waterproof
- Class A
- Washable
- Durable
- Flame Retardant
- Mold Proof
- Bacteria Resistant
- Mildew Proof
- Does not Shed
- Food Grade (Smooth Tiles)
New Ceiling Tiles, LLC. is a commercial website dedicated to providing quality commercial ceilings. We are here to meet the ceiling needs of the commercial sector. Our maintenance free ceilings consist of ceiling tiles, grid, grid covers, AC vents, air returns, diverters, deflectors, and more. We feature class A ratings for both smoke and flame on our products; they are waterproof, decorative, washable, sag proof, mold, mildew & bacteria proof as well as impact damage resistant.
Our suspended ceilings are not like most of the ceilings you will see online. They will outlast them. The tiles are thicker and more rigid.
Just a few of the applications our ceilings are in use; practically any where there is a drop ceiling:
Restaurant Kitchens | Bottling Plants | Water Treatment Plants | Hotels | Hospitals |
Colleges & Universities | Civic Centers | Data Centers | Supermarkets | Airports |
Naval Ships | Public Buildings | Clean Rooms | Restaurant Dining Rooms | Airports |
U.S. Military | Warehouses | Food Processing Plants | Retail Stores | Offices |
Oil Rigs | Automotive | Meat Packing Plants | Schools | Power Plants |